25 Years Ago…
2 February 2015A note from the Chair!
18 February 2015and more Comments from the cast of Snow White and the Magnificent Seven Dwarfs Panto 2015
The Magnificent Panto
To all you people in the WADs –
You should be playing to the Gods.
For you have acted, sung and danced
While Horse Tornado round you pranced.
The back stage crew were working hard
And lighting people were on guard.
Kathy taught you all the songs
Which most of you did not get wrong.
And Bill on guitar added flair,
While poor Nanette tore out her hair.
The costumes were a sight to see.
That magnificent sewing deserved a fee.
Ticket sellers and others too
Deserve a medal from all of you.
Marcia and Sandy – so patient there –
They sorted out the casts’ despair
And I was just in seventh heaven
Playing for Snow-white and the Magnificent Seven!
Thanks for asking me. Love Carole.xx
AND from Heather Simpson
That’s lovely. Carol is not only a wonderful pianist but a poetess!
AND from Richard Farmer
Thank you for letting me join in the WADS panto, I thoroughly enjoyed it and share the comments of others in congratulating all concerned.
Thanks Richard
AND from James Mathers
I very much enjoyed the panto, and I miss it, and you all very much. Can’t wait till the next one.
Thanks to everyone who, as always, made a lowly Caversham dweller so welcome. I love the village atmosphere and community. Not to mention working with the many great Thespians.
Take care all James
AND from Kathy Laughton
Not forgetting Carol’s golden fingers
The memory of her magical playing still lingers!