Sleeping Beauty… the pantomime of your dreams!
27 December 2013
Needs you WADS does!
21 April 2014A Dream of a Pantomime! OH YES IT IS!
Once upon a time, in Muddleby on the Marsh, a beautiful princess is born. The entire kingdom is delighted, apart from the evil Witch Hazel, who places a curse on the princess at her christening which means that by her 18th birthday, she will prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die. The good Fairy Lilac offers some hope. She changes the spell so that the princess won’t die but will fall into an enchanted sleep for a hundred years from which she will only wake up when kissed by a handsome prince.
As the time approaches when the princess will turn 18, little does she know of the evil spell placed upon her at birth. Intrigued by a mysterious old spinning wheel found in the top of an old tower, she pricks her finger and falls asleep…..
Who could possibly break such a terrible spell? Join a whole host of colourful characters, with an extra dose of comedy from Nurse Dottie Dettol, the puddle brained Muddles, and two hapless pages, Fetch and Carrie, while the handsome prince battles to save the princess on time.