Review – The Snow Queen
4 March 2016
Dick Whittington 2017
10 January 2017“A Foot in the Door” by Richard Harris
Thursday 13th, Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October 2016
With a strong cast, rehearsals are well underway for our next production, “A Foot in the Door” by Richard Harris. This extremely funny comedy sees May Archer, an elderly widow, entertaining in her London semi.
The first guest to arrive is Warren, a fledgling wardrobe salesman, following by Desmond, a home security expert. Next on the scene are Stan and Angela, keen to measure up May’s bedroom for decoration and then the pneumatic Jilly arrives with her electric keyboard. Each salesperson adopts a persona they think will persuade their client to put her money their way, but May’s inability to wrench her eyes away from the TV and her lack of interest in any of their products looks set to wreck their hopes. This madcap comedy comes to a rousing conclusion when May saves the day with a clever scheme that leaves everyone satisfied.
Performances will be held in Woodcote Village Hall:
- Thursday 13th, Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October 2016
- Time: 7.45 pm
- Tickets available from box office 01491 680523